Diocesan Convention 2020
The 235th annual Diocesan Convention
takes place Friday-Saturday, Nov. 6-7, 2020, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Danvers.
Details to come.
St. Michael’s Convention Delegates were elected at the Annual Meeting of the Parish in January 2020. They will be Vivian Bennett and Denise Shea, accompanied by Father Andrew.
Way of Love video premiered at 234th annual Diocesan Convention on Saturday, November 2, 2019.
What is the Diocesan Convention?
From the website of the Diocese of Massachusetts:
The Diocesan Convention is the primary representative governing body of the diocese. It convenes annually in November, usually on the first weekend, to conduct diocesan business, including election of officers and members of various leadership bodies; approval of a budget for the upcoming year; setting mission strategy; and establishing diocesan policy and procedure by considering and voting on resolutions and approving changes to the diocesan constitution and canons. It is also an occasion for communication and teaching from the bishops; learning about and participating in shared mission and ministry; fellowship, community building and common prayer; and celebration of the Holy Eucharist together as a diocesan community.
A smaller representative body, the Diocesan Council, meets regularly throughout the year to oversee and conduct diocesan business in between annual Diocesan Conventions.
The bishops, all clergy who are canonically resident in the diocese and two lay persons elected as delegates from each parish and mission in union with the diocese have seat, voice and vote at Diocesan Convention. Lay members of Diocesan Council also have seat, voice and vote in our Diocesan Convention, as do Diocesan Youth Council members who are age 16 or older. Lay members of Standing Committee have seat and voice.
Very occasionally a special session of Diocesan Convention is called in addition to the annual session for a specific purpose, such as the election of a new bishop.
Delegates to Diocesan Convention play an important leadership role as they not only represent to the wider church the particular character of God’s mission as it is expressed in their local contexts, but also connect their local congregations with the wider church.